April 28th, 2010

[info]hibashira in [info]kiseki_ooc

.............. just ignore everything I say ever plz

UHM hay so. if you happened to remove this journal, please add it again?

ETA: OH and another thing - and don't ignore this part, fff - I might be away-ish tomorrow because dad's getting surgery and while it's a minor thing and he should be out of the hospital the following day, you never know wtf'll happen with these things, so I'm leaving the notice just in case.

[info]preys in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hey guys! Leaving a quick OOC note for Kitten here--her computer is made of fail and needs fixing, so her internet access is fairly limited. Hopefully it won't be too long, but she asked me to let everyone know she'd be hiatusing until she gets it back. Kobato'll be staying in Kiseki and all of that good stuff.

Also, I'm gonna have to extend my own hiatus for now, since my... motivation is pretty much dead. Sorry to everyone affected orz I shall retuuuurn. Might still poke around today but apologies in advance if I disappear the rest of this week.

Thanks everyone!

[info]anewfight in [info]kiseki_ooc

fail fail fail

I was hoping to kick my activity back up this week, but.. I'm gonna call an official hiatus for a few days. I'm like... atrociously sick and I'm having a hard time focusing on work, let alone tagging and shit.

I'll be back in a few days time (I'll still be on messenger but yeah). And I swear I'll get to replying to all the important posts as soon as I do.


[info]littlepuppylove in [info]kiseki_ooc

I know I posted a while ago in the ooc comm, but I realize belatedly that I implied in the entry that I would only be away for about a week. This is, I think people might have noticed, an underestimation. I'm still battling against motivation fail.

That, and tomorrow is last day of classes. I'm going home in a week. Between now and then is FINALS~*~ so even if I'm online, I'll most likely be studying so my semi-hiatus continues. Sorry to the entries out there I should be tagging.