January 28th, 2010

[info]mataaerumade in [info]kiseki_ooc

short semi-hiatus

Hey everyone. First of all, sorry for being so slow with tagging. I kind of fail right now. Hurr. I'll be better next week.

Anyway, I guess it's a bit overmuch to call it a semi-hiatus, but I'll be gone for the weekend. I'm not bringing my computer when I go home for the weekend, since it'll just be a hassle and I won't be around to use it anyway. I'll be around tonight to (hopefully) do some tagging consistently and then I'll be gone until Sunday night or Monday afternoon (depending on how much homework I have left over Sunday night). I'll pick up unfinished tags then, provided you guys don't mind waiting a few days. :x

Sorry for the trouble. I'll see you all later.

[info]sapphiresea in [info]kiseki_ooc

Back, only not quite ;;;

Hey guys. Guess what. I return from my honeymoon vacation only to find my new dorm room's internet connection in shambles. So, until I get this fixed, here's extending my hiatus onto the end of next week or so. Sorry for the delay.

On that count too, and after much debate, I finally made up my mind and decided it's time to let Karura go. She's doing little else other than putting a hamper to Karyou's interactions and much as I love her I don't think she's going anywhere.

So, friend remove lastjourney.

Apologies to everyone (especially to Andrea and her adorable Karyou SOB at least I didn't drop out of the RGV cast entirely? ;;) and see you soon. ♥