July 15th, 2009

[info]badass_dammit in [info]kiseki_ooc

New character

Andrea here, trying out a slightly different character for once: Koryuu from Wish. A bratty kid with pointy ears A guy with black wings who likes to sit in trees and keeps crows as pets

...Well, at the very least it's not a Fay prototype this time. He's a mean little thing who'll bully you if you look like an easy target, and possibly want to have sex with you if you're hot. Add him, if you'd be so kind. I'll likely introduce him in about six months from now, when I'll finally have finished making his icons.

[info]canhasemotions in [info]kiseki_ooc

So I couldn't resist and stuff and brought in Nataku even though I'm supposed to be working on my Arashi app because I enable myself apparently and ashdgkajsd--

friend add canhasemotions
