March 20th, 2009

[info]sealingblue in [info]kiseki_ooc



/will post in a while

Posted! Sorry if I fail, I need to get used to his voice orz ;;;

[info]gotapieceof in [info]kiseki_ooc

Best way to get off a hiatus, pick a new character!

This is TRC!Yasha-ou with character number 2, Clone Syaoran from Lecourt. I'll probably play him for the days I'm here until I have to go to another hiatus, but for now, the important part here is...

friend add gotapieceof

[info]raaawr in [info]kiseki_ooc

Good news and bad news :(

Hey guys! I'm picking up Ioryogi from Kobato!

A-and dropping Icchan. Sob.

Sunrise, sunset.