September 5th, 2008

[info]wishgiver in [info]kiseki_ooc hi, tried to make this concise but failed

Robin's back in the ooc comm like the total bamf loser she is. With her sixth (again) character, X!Fuuma.

For those of you who aren't too familiar with his canon, if you have your character talk to him, he'll look like the person most important to your character (or he'll resemble characteristics of several, if they have more than one, I guess.) Provided your most important person is alive. If that person's dead and ISN'T in Kiseki, then he won't transform into anyone.

He also has the ability to see people's true wishes. And he'll grant them, if you so choose. (True wishes, and to the best of his ability, since Kiseki will probably put a damper on many of his antics.)

Also to keep him from being the godmod from hell, I'm restricting a lot of his magic. Because. lol. Antichrist. So he can't fly and whatever the fuck else he can do. e_e

So, add him, please? |D;
My entries are always tl;dr orz orz orz

[info]regal_blood in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hey guys. Seraph here~ S-Sigh. I'm unhappy to say that I can't fully be back yet. School has been okay, but I can't use my laptop and I'm on my brother's computer at the moment since he's so kind to let me borrow it. I'll try to come back on Monday when my brother's at school and play until he comes back ;;; Besides that, I'm unable to do anything until my laptop is fixed. Epic fail is fail. >>: