May 4th, 2008

[info]winterwarmth in [info]kiseki_ooc

I'm pretty sure this was expected, but I'm going to have to drop her. I'm having some issues with RL and the stress is getting to me. It affected my muse and my health. I'm sorry for all of the threads I've left unfinished. It was great playing while it lasted. If you ever want to contact me, all of my infomation should be on the application page.

So please friend remove 'winterwarmth.'

[info]n__n in [info]kiseki_ooc

I actually am still on hiatus...

Shocking, but true.

So I've been failing very epically at that whole semi-hiatus thing. But I'm going to do it for real this time because I've procrastinated far too much from studying for the exams I have starting Monday.

I won't be around much, therefore. If you see me online, please kick me in the face. |D;

See ya on Friday! o/
And fuck, this is the first time I've ever posted something in the wrong place, orz

[info]shinpanshiya in [info]kiseki_ooc

In case you guys missed the news on the main page, there're some issues with userpics because they've moved servers and whatever.

In the last update, Squeaky says we should wait until the move is complete to re-upload the icons that're missing, cause some of them aren't showing just 'cause the server is running slow atm (and haven't been deleted like the ones lost at the actual move of servers?).

So, er, that's it. Just wanted to make sure you were aware of the issue and all :3;;;