April 21st, 2008

[info]featherofmay in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hiatus notice

...Hi. >.> Ana here.

Okay, okay.. I've been meaning to do this for a while now, but... I think I need to go on a semi-hiatus for a while. I'm graduating from high school in a few weeks and I don't really want to mess that up by not doing work and what not. My internet access has been a little limited at home recently, but I'm not COMPLETELY disappearing. Just.. getting quiet. I'm hoping to at least finish the few threads I have going at the moment. But yeah, once that's done, I'm going to refrain from starting new ones until I can get this all figured out. ..For the most part anyway. I mean, I can't really resist this game all that well XDD;

ALSO, since this is as good a chance as any, I'm sending Kohane home while I'm on hiatus--mostly just so she can get updated once I come back. Because dslkfjsakdfjsdf the new chapteeeers ;_; She'll be leaving Kiseki right after the parade, basically. Hope that's okay! D:

Anyway. BOO HIATUS. :( I'll miss you all and hope to talk to everyone more later.

[info]bluepeacharrow in [info]kiseki_ooc

Should I delete all of my icons except for the ones with the silly mustaches on them Y/N?

Alternatively, draw silly mustaches on all of my icons?

For both characters.

[info]peachking in [info]kiseki_ooc

Yo I'm back


So yeah, I'm back. xD I need to stop saying that. However! This same sort of hiatus is coming back next weekend. I'mma busy little bee. But for the rest of the week, I will be around and bouncing around and etc, etc. -shushes-