April 6th, 2008

[info]hiddensmile in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hello again~ This is Liz with her third character, CCS!Syaoran from volume 10. Because we clearly don't have enough Syaorans. :Db

So, yes, please feel free to add [info]hiddensmile and bother him. He secretly likes it. Very secretly. As always, feel free to correct me if I make any mistakes

[info]la_dolce_vita in [info]kiseki_ooc

Character Droppage

*is amused by how funny that sounds* ahem..
I'm sorry for those who RP with me. I lost my muse to play H!Yuui and even though I tried to continue- it was just a lost cause.
Besides, there's plenty of really talented RPers who will do him better justice.
So, remove [info]la_dolce_vita from your friends list, please.


[info]ourpissyhero in [info]kiseki_ooc


My internet still sucks, but all that aside.

I've decided for the time being at least to not drop Kamui; I'm not kidding when I say I have problems with playing him, but I'd feel horrible for dropping him just like that, so I want to give myself a second chance.

In addition, since he was technically gone from the island these past few days, I've decided to go ahead and update Kamui. This was my intention all along, but originally I was going to wait a while (few weeks at least) longer for events. I'm really torn about rushing it like this especially since there was a loose plan, it's just... I'm doing it selfishly, in hopes of making things easier for me.

I'm sorry for being so selfish like this, just doing what I want and ignoring everyone else. I just... Kamui is one of my very favorite characters ever, and I want to keep trying even knowing it's at the expense, possibly, of others. So please, please be patient with me. :/

In short: Kamui is back and updated a few volumes.

[info]aquietpurity in [info]kiseki_ooc

Okay, so here I am again with my 8th chara~ Tokyo Babylon Subaru. I couldn't resist. I just couldn't. He's so pretty and easily flustered...

Also! To people who couldn't get the admin console working, I believe it's because when you click the link it takes you to http://insanejournal.com:8080/admin/console/. If you take out the ":8080" it'll work fine! A-At least it did for me =/ So try it out anyways?

Oh, and add the prettiness that is Subaru? Please?