August 2017



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May 22nd, 2017

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]kiseki_logs

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[Dealing with the on-and-off blizzard for these past days must've been difficult, even with the times when the weather cleared out for a while and navigating the islands became possible... Hopefully you took advantage of those moments, because rather than things getting easier, it's about to get a lot worse.

It isn't only that there's been an avalanche of sorts overnight - how, given the lack of mountains around, is a mystery, but what else would you call the sudden heaps of snow currently piled up all over the housing area, drowning the individual domes so that they're barely even visible anymore?

It isn't just the fact that the power, or magic keeping things working, has been going out for hours on end, leaving the underground areas pitch-black - much more so given that the sun seems to refuse to come out, making the overall atmosphere one of dull grays at best, complete darkness at worse.

Or even that the creatures which could be found outside seem even more restless, making venturing outside for those who manage a way out of the tunnels (or who are unfortunate enough to arrive in the middle of this) even more dangerous.

No, it will surely feel like something's actively working against the people currently in the world, when several of them suddenly fall ill. With the sudden cold and bad conditions, one might be expecting possible colds and such things, but surely getting so ill so quickly isn't normal. Nor is it to be unresponsive to medication, for those who are unlucky enough to end up that way. Hopefully those left standing and able to work will be enough to handle things until it all ends...]
