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October 13th, 2014

[info]pungeonmaster in [info]kiseki_logs

[action/video | open to everyone]

[Early this morning, before the sun has even risen, Nossan and Stegotchi can be seen setting up a series of objects in the park. And at 8:00am, Nossan opens a video to announce it to Kiseki. He's wearing a white bandana that keeps his ridiculous, apparently damp curls out of his face; a blue t-shirt with his logo on the front, blue shorts with black and yellow stripes, and his regular shoes. He gives a big bow, and smiles cheerily]

Good morning everyone! It's the second Monday of October, so that means it's Health and Sports Day!

[He sweeps an arm back and shows off what he's created: a small open sports area! He's built an elaborate obstacle course, including a tire-jumping section, monkey bars over a crude mud pit, tunnels, and everything else besides; he's set up gym mats, weighted gym balls and a wide range of dumbells; a small table, currently being lounged on by Stegotchi, has a pair of gigantic coolers, full of fruit and bottles of water, and a large, bulging sack; and everything is enclosed in an 8-lane chalk race track, with a number of sacks and lengths of rope next to the starting line. Everything looks very well-made, albeit made of spare parts and recycled material]

[He grins broadly] I've been helping set this event up back home for years now, and my niece Rika loved it to bits! But since I can't be there now, I decided to bring Sports day here! Stegotchi and I set up lots of things, so everyone can come along and join in some fun events. You're all completely welcome, so let's get together and have a good time! It'll be su-port fun! [big ol' thumbs up!, on which the video ends]

[[Take this as a big mingle journal as well :D ]]