August 2017



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August 17th, 2014

[info]thestare in [info]kiseki_logs

video & action || open to everyone

[Today, on one corner of the Sakura Park closest to the housing areas, there's a big booth set up. With a glittery sign saying Love Advice on the top, its bright and pink colors should be enough to clue in that this is Kiseki's idea, and if not, it should be evident once it can be seen that Aramis is chained to it by his foot.

He seems to have given up for the most part, sitting by it with a resigned look in his face. Of course, the chain cannot be broken or open, and the only way to get him out is by, indeed, receiving love advice from him.

In fact, even if you'd never dream of asking him for such a thing, or simply don't care, you might find yourself drawn to the booth and realize you're now stuck sitting by it, waiting to hear some advice, also unable to leave until you do.

Aramis would look more bored or irritated he got trapped, except he keeps glancing every now and then towards Porthos, who is hanging out nearby due to entirely different reasons. After they made a bet with each other which Porthos spectacularly lost, he's now looking a little different, and seems as happy about it as you'd imagine.]

[But of course, Aramis is nothing but a great friend, so soon there's a short video in which Aramis points the journal towards Porthos, waving cheerily at him from behind it.]

Come on, give everyone a smile!

[info]tyjutsu in [info]kiseki_logs

Video - Written

Wow! Those women are really nice! And their clothes are cute, too!

[Video on, a brightly smiling face greets Kiseki. All in a pinkish red getup, she looks surprisingly unconcerned as she speaks to everyone for the first time. It’s easier going with the flow, and panic doesn’t really do a lot of good. She walks forward, but something is clearly off. Its not her feet she’s walking on. It’s her hands. Body bent forward, she holds the journal steady and level with her face by her feet.

It only goes on for a second longer, before she switches to merely one hand and grabs her journal. Her feet land upon the ground, and she fluidly flips back up with natural, her arms lifting out as though she’s just finished a performance.]

So, what is this anyway? [Head tilting to the side in thought, her brows crease as she investigates her new gift.] Those friendly women said that I could see others using this cute journal. It sounds so neat! Can anyone else see me?

[Unafraid of an audience, she waves cheerfully. Hopefully she’s using it correctly. This whole ‘video’ thing is a mystery to her. How does something like this work, anyway? Tapping her cheek she continues on at a loss..]

This doesn’t look like anywhere within the Fire Nation. And even after having traveled around a lot, I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen architecture like this before. Not even in the Earth Kingdom. They said this place is called Kiseki. Is that a new colony?

[Ah well… there’s a number of questions, but more importantly she needs to get back in contact with her friends. The women she’d spoken to upon waking had made a couple of strange remarks about writing in her journal, and others being able to see it. It sounds weird… but why not! Things are pretty weird already. With a shrug she does just that.]

Azula? Mai? It’s me! You know… I don’t think is anywhere near Ember Island. Where did you girls go?