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June 16th, 2014

[info]trappedinresin in [info]kiseki_logs

004 ƸӜƷ Video - Action


Hello, Kiseki.

[ Yuuki is inside when she comes into focus. It's clear she may have been outside earlier, though, if the pretty white sundress, parasol in her hands, and sunglasses is anything to go off of. She's been spending most of the daylight hours inside, but if she wants to get anything done she has to venture out still, at times.

And she doesn't like staying in when everyone else is out enjoying themselves. It's clear she's exhausted though, an arm wrapped around her waist. She puts on a smile, though, and the shades help veil her eyes.]

I heard that there might be magicians, or wish-granters here in Kiseki. [Outside of Watanuki-- she hesitates to use his name, though, when she knows that Himawari is mourning his loss. ]

If you are one of those people or know someone who is one of those people, please respond. It's important. Thank you.

[ She bows politely before cutting the feed. ]


[ Yuuki was trying to find an area not currently affected by the antics of Miracle Country. If they find the train stations, will they be unaffected? Are all the other Islands currently in the same state?

It was her intention-- but she's not feeling like her typical, stronger, self right now. And the sun really is unrelentingly hot. Which is why anyone who finds her in the raft she procured will find one pureblood vampire passed out, her eyes spinning, and overheated. ]