August 2017



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May 5th, 2014

[info]birthrighted in [info]kiseki_logs

○ 003

[At first it’s only audio that can be heard, an almost rhythmic grunting edged with frustration, raw and each time followed by the echoing sound of a fist connecting in a punch. Again and again, this continues, only seeming more pronounced each time. ]

[It’s not long before the pages switch to the video feed—as if right on cue, when the next grunt is instead an angry yell that echoes even louder in the empty gymnasium. The lights cut in and out at the same time, returning to normal only because Emma (now visible) seems to take pause instead of pushing harder. She barely even seems to notice it happened.]

[Breathing heavily, she leans her forehead on the large boxing bag hanging in front of her, holding it in place with her arms now. Her hair is tied up messily, toned arms showing sweat from the effort thanks to the tank top she wore for comfort’s sake.]

Son of a bitch.

[Clearly nothing is wrong with this picture, am I right?]

[info]withgoodform in [info]kiseki_logs

003 ☠ video/action

[Anyone who may stray near the beach today, or look at their journal, will find that there's a rather large ship waiting just off shore - The Jewel of the Realm - although it's easy to see that it's completely empty, save for the young man in lieutenant garb standing at the shore of the beach with a thoughtful frown, looking around when he spots the journal, as if it were waiting for him]

[He picks it up curiously, frowning thoughtfully as he examines it but then is quickly looking around, calling out]

Captain? [When there's no answer, there's a touch of concern to his tone] Brother? ... Liam, where have you wandered off to now?

[He can't even remember what happened -- he turned his head and suddenly his brother was missing. Did he leave without him to find this "Dreamshade", then? He sighs and presses his hands to his face -- and it's notable to see that, yes, he has two hands. No hook.]

Very well. If you're going to be stubborn and go off without me into this... "Neverland", then I have no choice but to follow you. [And although there's slight exasperation and worry in his tone, after a moment he smiles and starts heading off down the beach, in search of his brother and captain]

[ooc: Hook re-intro, although replaying the "deage" event to make him ooooh, about 300 years younger lol. Once the event wears off, however, he will be from the end of 3x17, The Jolly Roger.]