November 24th, 2008

[info]ellnyx in [info]kinkfest

when kingdom come [ffxii, balthier/ashe]

Dedicated to [info]sarasa_cat for many conversations and ideas about Vossler and Ashe.  Written this way entirely unexpectedly. 

When Kingdom Come
Author: [info]logistika_nyx
Pairings/Characters: Balthier/Ashe, Rasler, Vossler, Penelo, Basch
Rating/Warnings: M, character death, subtle genocide
Prompt: Final Fantasy XII - Balthier/Ashe - AU; Vossler wins, Fran dies, and Balthier takes Ashe under his wing.
Other: I feel like this needs some explanation, but I don't know where to start.  Written from Rasler's point-of-view, posthumously.  Comments so very much loved.


A flock of birds spiral suddenly high over the steppe, whirling and singing, and surround you. They are caught in a mating frenzy, blinded by the life that has their blood rise. You do not see them. The pirate does, and blinks, but only eases the ship's angle. You flinch when that mass of avian lust disrupts the ship; you gasp, and cry out. The ship shakes. The pirate reaches to steady you with his touch. The birds are calling, cries suddenly stifled by the engines and the whine of compensatory strain. The collision of small bodies against the hull is clear; thumps and scrabbling, an attempt by each bird once a part of a whole suddenly severed, fighting for life. A blizzard of feathers and gore cascades where you can't see it. You imagine, though, with your face turning white, the feathered bodies sucked into the engines and dismembered, shattered and sliced. You have been to war. You imagine well. )


[info]heavensgardener in [info]kinkfest

nothing but a closing door, Persona 2, Tatsuya/Jun

Title: nothing but a closing door
Author/Artist: Lynne
Fandom: Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Prompt:Jun/Tatsuya - Loss - ”Life is not a happy ending.”
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: angst. Spoilers for the ending of Innocent Sin. Also spoilers for Eternal Punishment.
Summary: The stories were all wrong. There was no such thing as happy endings.
A/N: Late because I forgot what date it was. *hangs head*
nothing but a closing door )

[info]ilyat in [info]kinkfest

Gladiators, Final Fantasy XII (Ashe/Drace)

Title: Gladiators
Artist: [info]ilyat
Rating: G
Prompt: Final Fantasy XII - Ashe/Drace - gladiators - "Prisoners are not afforded names."
A/N: ArtRage w/ minimal Photoshop, ~1 hour, original 1920x1164pt. I bought ArtRage last week and am just starting to get the hang of it.

Image under the cut. )

[info]wei_jiangling in [info]kinkfest

Late entry, sorry

...and I'm not sure I ever even officially claimed this one, either. Oops.

Title: Beer is Not Enough
Fandom: FFVII
Characters: Rude, Reno, mentions of Rufus
Wordcount: 1,045
Rating: T (a lot of alcohol, and scattered cussing)
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII – Rude/Reno – barhopping – He was like, the God of Beer!
Notes: Part of my ongoing saga of Reno and Rufus, with this being more friendship than anything else. That said, it does focus on Reno and Rude, and involves snuggling.

Given the circumstances, Rude would have expected Reno to go for something that would get him very drunk very quickly, but he seemed to be sticking with beer. On the other hand, he was making the most valiant attempt Rude had ever seen to get drunk quickly off of the stuff. )

[info]blue_soaring in [info]kinkfest

Something Between, Supernatural (Sam/Dean)

Title: Something Between
Author: [info]blue_soaring
Rating: R.
Prompt: Barebacking, no such thing as an innocent kiss.
Word count: ~100.

Read me. )

December 2008



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