March 3rd, 2008

[info]mitsuhachi in [info]kinkfest

"Sunday Evening", JE, (Ohno/Nino/Sho)

Title: Sunday Evening
Author: Mitsuhachi
Pairing: Ohmiya/ Sho
Rating: NC-17
Length: 1,958 words
Prompt:JE, Nino/Ohno/Sho: Bondage - "It's ok to leave it all to me, ne?"

Sunday Evening )

[info]cephy in [info]kinkfest

"Anything But Silent", D.N.Angel (Dark)

Title: Anything But Silent
Author: Cephy
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None, really
Word count: 450
Prompt: D.N. Angel, Dark: Immortality - It was all bursts of activity and long periods of quiet.

Ask a person if they want to live forever, 99% of the time they'll say yes. )

[info]windsorblue in [info]kinkfest

"Eye of the Beholder", Gundam Wing, Trowa/Quatre

author: [info]windsorblue
title: Eye of the Beholder
fandom: Gundam Wing
pairing: Trowa/Quatre
rating: PG-ish
prompt: sex in the sand - "It's hot out here!"

This was Quatre's turf )

[info]ponderosa121 in [info]kinkfest

What You Let Me Do, Final Fantasy 7, Cid/Vincent

Title: What You Let Me Do
Artist: Ponderosa
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Teensy bit of blood.
Prompt: Vincent/Cid: fear - "The things you let me do"

Fanart, Cid/Vincent )

[info]regicidaldwarf in [info]kinkfest

Final Fantary XII - Basch/Balthier

Title: VIP Treatment
Author: RegicidalDwarf
Rating: Pg-13
Warnings: Slight suggestive talk, nothing major.
Word count: 515
Summary: Balthier/Basch - fancy dress date - "you dress up nice"
A/N: I borrowed [info]laylah's Blue Collar AU for this one. Consider this fic of fic I guess? The rest of the homegrown continuity can be found here. Also this story vaguely referances this one. Also this was a really last minute claim, so I hope it's okay to be posting. On to the fic!

Read more... )

[info]ladyofshadow in [info]kinkfest

“Pruning Society’s Roses”, Weiss Kreuz (Chloe)

Title: Pruning Society’s Roses
Author: Ladyofshadow
Rating: PG
Warnings: none, just hints at stuff
Word count: 300
Prompt: Weiss Side B, Chloe: Glove fetish - "The taste, the smell of a leather glove is intoxicating."
Author’s Note: *sneaks this in for her date just in time* Couldn’t get this image of this short out of my head and it proved difficult to put into words.

Pruning Society’s Roses )

December 2008



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