January 6th, 2008

[info]undiscoverme in [info]kinkfest

Kinkfest Round II (March 1 - 31)

*recycles old post*

What's this all about?
Pretty self-explanatory. A kinkfest. It's a casual, low-pressure challenge open to anyone age 18 and over.

How does it work?
You'll be asked to submit prompts, as many prompts as you'd like, to the challenge. Each prompt should include: fandom, character/pairing/threesome or moresome , a kink/cliche or fannish trope, a phrase/word/idea/lyric and a number (pick from 1 to 30). (Ex. Supernatural/Angel, Dean/Gunn, begging or pleading for sexual release, "laying under this spell you cast on me" - 28 or Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon/McKay, coming quickly (in one's pants) - 'If I’ve gone overboard then I’m begging you to forgive me'- 15) There's no limit to the number of prompts you can submit and submitting them does not obligate you in any way to participate.

Character/pairing/threesome or moresome:
Kink/cliche or fannish trope:
Number (pick from 1 to 31):

Please please submit your prompts using the following format: fandom, character/pairing/threesome or moresome: kink/cliche/trope - phrase/lyric/idea/word - [2]

[Ex. Sex Pistols, Kunimasa/Norio: breaking up and making up - I don't think I can live without you, And I know that I never will - 2

What happens to the requests? I'll gather all prompts and list them under their corresponding days in March.

How do I sign up? A master list of prompts will be posted. You sign up by leaving a comment with your selections to that entry. Prompts can be claimed a total of four times (twice for fic and twice for art).

How many words am I expected to write? The minimum is 100 and there is no max.

Schedule -
Prompts Accepted until 11:55 PM EST Thursday, January 17th
Prompt Post will be posted on Saturday, January 19th
Claiming to Begin @ 9:00 PM EST, January 20th
Claiming Ends - We'll be accepting claims up until the first day of posting, 12:01 AM EST, March 1st.
Posting - March 1st thru March 31st

For inspiration please check out this fabulous post [A World of Kinks] by the uber-talented [info]eliade/Anna S.

Submit your prompts to this entry.

[info]undiscoverme in [info]kinkfest

Submit your prompts as a comment to this post. Kthankyoubye

Please please submit your prompts using the following format: fandom, character/pairing/threesome or moresome: kink/cliche/trope - phrase/lyric/idea/word - [2]

[Ex. Sex Pistols, Kunimasa/Norio: breaking up and making up - I don't think I can live without you, And I know that I never will - 2

*Comments will be screened

December 2008



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