Are you too good to tango with the poor poor boys? [entries|friends|calendar]
A Kings of Leon fan community

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[02 Jan 2008|12:52pm]

[ music | "Goodbye is All We Have" ]

Should probably post something in here to get things tell us about yourself =)

01. Name:
02. Location:
03. Age:
04. Occupation:
05. Favorite band:
06. Favorite KOL song:
07. How did you become a fan:
08. Have you seen them live?:
09. Favorite city:
10. How do you feel right now?:
11. Childhood dream:
12. Happiest Memory:
13. Favorite website:
14. Best concert you've ever seen:
15. Favorite KOL picture (haha, couldn't think of a last question...)
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