Drabbles about Kingsley Shacklebolt

lilyseyes911 posting in Kingsley100
User: [info]lilyseyes
Date: 2014-06-24 12:12
Subject: Receiving Accolades
Security: Public
Mood:thoughtful thoughtful
Tags:author-lilyseyes, prompt99-squeeze

Title: Receiving Accolades
Rating : PG
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Word Count: 100
Pairings Kingsley/Neville, Severus/Harry
Challenge: [info]kingsley100 #99: Squeeze / [info]neville100 #282: Champion
Warnings: *Post war AU, established relationships*
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.
Summary:Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt is proud of his partner's contribution to the War against Voldemort, now if he could just get Neville to agree.
A/N: For the lovely [info]alisanne - ♥ ♥

Receiving Accolades

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lilyseyes911 posting in Kingsley100
User: [info]lilyseyes
Date: 2014-06-07 01:58
Subject: Excellent Developments
Security: Public
Tags:author-lilyseyes, prompt98-new edition

Title: Excellent Developments
Rating : NC-17
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Word Count: 100 x 4
Pairings Kingsley/Neville, Severus/Harry
Challenge: [info]kingsley100 #98: New Edition / [info]neville100 #281: Listen / [info]snarry100 #426: Skill
Warnings: *Post war AU, established relationships, mpreg*
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.
Summary: Kingsley is proud of the post-war progress of the Wizarding world and Severus is the first to agree.

Excellent Developments

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lilyseyes911 posting in Kingsley100
User: [info]lilyseyes
Date: 2013-11-16 20:37
Subject: Celebrating
Security: Public
Mood:listless listless
Tags:author-lilyseyes, pairing-kingsley/charlie, prompt86-tomorrow

Title: Celebrating
Rating : PG
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Word Count: 100 x2
Pairings Kingsley/Charlie, Severus/Harry
Challenge: [info]kingsley100 #86: Tomorrow / [info]snape100 #507: Man of Mystery / [info]snarry100 #396: Hand in Hand
Warnings: *none,established relationships*
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.
Summary: Kingsley always knew that Snape was loyal to Dumbledore His trust seemed to be paying off in unusual ways.

Read Celebrating at IJ or at DW.

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July 2014