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Dec. 14th, 2008



Hi all! My name is Natasha and I'll be playing Gwyn here. I'll just quickly say that I've been playing for the past six years in various groups through threading and AIM. Now, you can read more about my experience and all about Gwyn, of course, in her journal, but I thought I might make an introductory post nonetheless. I know she was played in the past but her personality's been revamped a bit; namely that she's quite as mischievous as her sister. She's also a never ending source of questions when the mood strikes her and quite the little adventurer.

Since she was played in the past, and she has quite a lot of family and possibly others she's interacted with, I would love to know of any characters that she's interacted with in the past or that she might know. I've sort of skimmed past entries in [info]argos and looked at the family trees and such but...there's quite a lot of people so it's a bit intimidating. So before I jump on threads it would be good to know who Gwyn knows!

And if she hasn't perhaps interacted with someone but they feel the need to have a six year old pester them, let me know. Should anyone prefer aim I'm on lumberjacknatash quite a bit.

Dec. 3rd, 2008


Martell graphic. cause I can.

This is entirely Red and Lux's faults. ENTIRELY.

Speculative Martell Family Portraiture:

The food isn't the hottest thing in Dorne... )

Nov. 30th, 2008


Favorite AGOS quotes?

Okay so I was noticing something lately: Our game has some lulz. The shades of Jaime, Oberyn, Tyrion and co are totally proud of their descendents.

In a quest for snippets of wit and wisdom in Westeros I scrolled back through the old entries, and I have to inform all of you: OMG.

Plus, I have two new ships to put forward: I am henceforth totally shipping Myrwin/Ember and Hester/Jonath. Those four bring the lulz like nothing.

What are your fave lines?

AGOS brings all the snark to the yard... )

Nov. 27th, 2008


I am a bad player.

I admit it, I've been kind of avoiding posting. I blame NaNoWriMo, which has sucked out all creative energies like the psychic vampire it is.

Mea culpa, mea culpa.

Nov. 24th, 2008


Dia de gracias

Hey all! I'll be around today and Tuesday (I think) but Wed-Sunday I'll be totally out of town and without internet (omgyikes). 

So if you have any applications, questions, thoughts, ideas or a strange desire to blow up Kings Landing... well, have fun. ;)  It'll give me something to read aside from text books when I get back, right? 


Holiday plans

Hey guys, just a heads up. Our break starts this week and my fam's taking off for a vacay so I may be online a few times after Tuesday but quite possibly not. I'll be back Sunday, tho. :D Hopefully with a tan and lovely rum-tinged memories. 

So try not to blow up Kings Landing while I'm gone, okay? 
... Or revive a horde of zombies. 
... Or Valyrian-Doom Westeros. 

Nov. 20th, 2008


New Character!

Hey everyone, it's Afton, here with yet another character. :)

This is Lady Emberlei Baratheon, but you may call her Ember if she likes you. Which she probably will. Emberlei is 18, and terribly tragic to her own way of thinking. Why, 18 and unwed, what travesty could be worse? Only being 19 and unwed, surely! Woe is her!

Ember likes to picture herself as the heroine of an epic romantic tragedy (thanks, Jaehaerys). She is clearly waiting to die now that her first and only true sad love has met his untimely end (as far as she knows) after cruelly spurning her (except for the cruel part and the spurning part... it's complicated all right? How can you demand simplification of SUCH BEAUTY!)?

But tragic fated death is taking a bit longer than Ember expected (in other words: was not instantaneous) so she finds herself realizing that perhaps she is meant to have a tragic marriage devoid of love and warmth. To someone who is utterly barbarous. Her suffering will be very great, she is sure and then she will die young and beautiful from a broken heart.

In a totally fabulous dress. With flowers.

In the meantime, she is happy to totally convince the world of her utter happiness oh woe is her by laughing and giggling and being (oh the agonies) a very normal sort of (almost) virginal maiden.

Plots, feuds, shopping, flirting, murderous deeds are all welcome. :D

Nov. 13th, 2008


The King Exists

I really really still exist guys, I swear. I'm just working myself to the bone trying to get a promotion and I was sick.

Buuuut, Will's tagged Lilyanna and I got Isobel out there and Hester's still got a post and yay.

So, in that vein--where/what would you like to see from my characters? Half the time I don't post because I don't have ideas, and I prefer tagging into things than starting anew.

[Mod, and playing Isobel Dayne, William Stark, Hester Arryn and Thomas Tully]

Nov. 11th, 2008


Wanted Characters

Hey guys,
Who do you want to see in game??
I'm going to go about updating the Most Wanted list and just wanted to see who you all are interested in seeing fleshed out? 

Prosperyn Martell, Vitaerys Waters, Brandon Stark are up for challenging.

Nov. 8th, 2008


what takes less energy than actually playing?

Oh, I know! Silly pointlessness on the ooc board! HUZZAH! 

Let's play ASK SANDRO.  Ask Sandro a question, any question, and he'll answer.  And then ask you something in return if you like.  And possibly demand alcohol and/or try to sleep with you.

Nov. 6th, 2008



Where is everyone? :(  I'm bored. My roommates all have plague. Entertaaaaaaaaiiiiiin me. *whines* 

What's that? Mature? who? Where? RUN AWAY.  *hides behind ginormous Eeyore pillow* 

No. Seriously. Where are yall?

Nov. 5th, 2008



Hey guys,
guess what? It's plague season. Oh yeah, bb. And guess who's got it? Yep. Moi. The perils of living with 3 other people and on a campus where thousands of others get to cough on you. Blech.

So, I apologize if you see me ol and I'm either nonresponsive or making no sort of coherent sense in the next couple days. :( And if I'm better, I'll be gone for the weekend to an event, so... we'll see.

Nov. 2nd, 2008



Okay, so Murphy's Law strikes again. My laptop is dead. As in, it just randomly shut off and won't turn back on. >_<;;;;;;

My parents have agreed to come and pick the laptop up tomorrow evening so that it can be taken into the shop during the week (it's a lot closer to their place than to mine). However, this still means I will be without a computer of my own for the rest of this week at the very least.

As a result, I'm on hiatus until further notice.

Oct. 29th, 2008


New character! *cries*

One more, and I swear to the Seven that this is the last character that I will add to my playlist.

Oct. 28th, 2008


:O Idea!

We totally need a mad old Targaryen uncle running about. And he should totally be played by RUTGER HAUER Y'ALL. 

That is all.

Oct. 25th, 2008


Since you're all just DYING to meet him...

Heheh, I crack myself up. Jo here with pup #3. I didn't do a proper intro for pup number 2, her on camera intro will tell you all you need to know about her, so...

....Number 3! I've picked up Elyot Dayne/Darian Storm.

A faceless man who's killed a lot of peeps to get where he is and has kept killing more 'cause that's totally his job.

Would one day LOVE vengeance against everyone he think screwed his branch of the family, but can wait as long as he feels like, 'cause, you know they'll all bite it eventually.

He's posing as a member of the Kingsguard. If anyone old enough saw his real face they'd freak. As he looks JUST LIKE his Daddy. :D

So, he's pretty much always wearing another face.

Full profile: here!!

Oct. 24th, 2008


Predictions and Silliness

Hell, weekend of nothing but studying. Luxe hates you already. So, let's be silly and goofy on AGOS!

- play prophecy! Drag out your Maggy the Frog costume and creepify some Lannisters. Who do you think will win or die or survive or have lots of sex or get betrayed or stoned to death or eaten by Others?

Rhaeys: Escapes prison, gets it on with Elia before he remembers who she is. Nearly gets stabbed by Jaehaerys when they meet up again. Gets more songs written about him than Robin Hood ever dreamt of. And should seriously consider romancing Lyanora Stark because HEY WE HAVE PICTURES.

Toria: Shags and married Jaehaerys. Possibly in that order.

Tyrith: Betrays everyone but is too sexy for most of us to notice much.

Lily: I'd predict something dire but really she gets to shag James Bond so she can't complain.

Tymor: Tyrith gets real pissy and marries him to Lollys Stokeworth II who is like super rich and maybe a princess of YiTi or something.

Genna: Lives, drives everyone insane and is shuffled off into a political marriage to someone who's horrendously inappropriate or totally unprepared to deal with her Gennaness.

Gwyn: Sorry, bebe. I think you're dead because you're way too Starky.

William: Lives. But isn't happy about it.

Lyanora: Lives. Blames William for it. Rules Winterfell while Will learns the fine art of black eyeliner and sings omgsad songs. Wanders off alone in winter beneath the fading trees and isn't seen again

Hester: Shags Myrwin. Dies. The two events are mostly not related.

Myrwin: Dies at age 60 in a duel. With a bear. There's a ton of raki involved.

Elia: Dies in some horriffic manner but she's not overly miffed about it. Everyone else however gets really pissy. Cause dude, who's going to throw the parties in Sunspear now?

Thomas: Shags Elia. A lot. Probably it will lead to him dying. Like if he shags someone else. Or she thinks he does. Or he has an off night. Possibly Jaehaerys won't be too fussed.
Polonius: Outlives everyone. Retires to the Summer Isles and founds Margaritaville.

Sindra: Gets burned at the stake in the Summer Islands by some course of events no one can sort out. Never actually shags Sandro but gets drunk and the Serpent talks her into shagging a Kingsguard.

Kyra: Has lots of happy killing times. Actually falls in love with her husband and decides to stop killing. Gareth kills her.

Gareth: Feels real bad about that and takes over the Stepstones and/or launches a big ass rebellion.

Oswald: Takes up magic tricks. And then turns into Petyr Baelish 2.

Tristran: Gets to chase Genna around Dorne forevah. Should totally give up and make out with Jonath.

Jonath: Finally gets a vacay. Moves to Margaritaville with Polonius.


Just in case:

I will probably not be around Friday-Sunday for posting or communication purposes. I will be at a convention and lacking computer or internet access (unless I decide I want to pay for it at the cybercafe across the street).

Oct. 18th, 2008


Congratulations to the New Small Council.

Tyrith Lannister - Hand of the King
Thomas Tully  - Master of ... well, we're sure you're good at something, Thomas. *pets* And no that doesn't count even if Elia says it should.
Oswald Tyrell - Master of Coin 

Got a character who wants to get named to the council? Best start sucking up to Will and Tyrith, bebe. 

Oct. 15th, 2008


Hi! New Old Character!

Hello everyone! It's Luxe and I'm here to present Kaelyn 2.0. I'll be taking over for Kirsty but... hopefully I can do her char justice. :)

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