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December 14th, 2008

[info]princessgwyn in [info]kingslanding


Hi all! My name is Natasha and I'll be playing Gwyn here. I'll just quickly say that I've been playing for the past six years in various groups through threading and AIM. Now, you can read more about my experience and all about Gwyn, of course, in her journal, but I thought I might make an introductory post nonetheless. I know she was played in the past but her personality's been revamped a bit; namely that she's quite as mischievous as her sister. She's also a never ending source of questions when the mood strikes her and quite the little adventurer.

Since she was played in the past, and she has quite a lot of family and possibly others she's interacted with, I would love to know of any characters that she's interacted with in the past or that she might know. I've sort of skimmed past entries in [info]argos and looked at the family trees and such but...there's quite a lot of people so it's a bit intimidating. So before I jump on threads it would be good to know who Gwyn knows!

And if she hasn't perhaps interacted with someone but they feel the need to have a six year old pester them, let me know. Should anyone prefer aim I'm on lumberjacknatash quite a bit.

[info]ex_dragonpri265 in [info]kingslanding

where's luxe?

Hey guys! If you think I've gone totally AWOL I promise I haven't. I'm off with family and there's no IM'ing on this computer- like, it just doesn't end well for anyone. Lots of crashing and general stress. So I'm temporarily sans-IM but you can just drop me a message on a post in agos or reply to something or email me.