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November 20th, 2008

[info]emberlei in [info]kingslanding

New Character!

Hey everyone, it's Afton, here with yet another character. :)

This is Lady Emberlei Baratheon, but you may call her Ember if she likes you. Which she probably will. Emberlei is 18, and terribly tragic to her own way of thinking. Why, 18 and unwed, what travesty could be worse? Only being 19 and unwed, surely! Woe is her!

Ember likes to picture herself as the heroine of an epic romantic tragedy (thanks, Jaehaerys). She is clearly waiting to die now that her first and only true sad love has met his untimely end (as far as she knows) after cruelly spurning her (except for the cruel part and the spurning part... it's complicated all right? How can you demand simplification of SUCH BEAUTY!)?

But tragic fated death is taking a bit longer than Ember expected (in other words: was not instantaneous) so she finds herself realizing that perhaps she is meant to have a tragic marriage devoid of love and warmth. To someone who is utterly barbarous. Her suffering will be very great, she is sure and then she will die young and beautiful from a broken heart.

In a totally fabulous dress. With flowers.

In the meantime, she is happy to totally convince the world of her utter happiness oh woe is her by laughing and giggling and being (oh the agonies) a very normal sort of (almost) virginal maiden.

Plots, feuds, shopping, flirting, murderous deeds are all welcome. :D