Kingdom Hearts - February 3rd, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Kingdom Hearts

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February 3rd, 2005

[i wanna kill you & take you away] [Feb. 3rd, 2005|08:03 pm]
[Current Mood | busy]

I rather should hit myself for posting these, but one of my buddies on LJ has some Kingdom Hearts banners, and I took the liberty of posting the link.

On a side note, I've been busy making some KH icons for myself... When I get a good enough amount, I'll post them up there.

Another thing... For all of you IJ people that have LJ accounts, and like journal role-play, I suggest you join Squenix Uni. It's a Squaresoft and Square Enix character RP, where you play any character as a college student. Which includes Kingdom Hearts. I'm actually RPing Kairi. :D The OOC community is here. It's already started, but hey, not a problem. :]

That is all! -tips hat-
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