Kingdom Hearts - October 18th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Kingdom Hearts

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October 18th, 2004

Hullo there. x) [Oct. 18th, 2004|08:36 pm]
[Current Mood | blah]

I'm [new] to this asylum, and I'm only posting here because [info]anthony told me too. :p Okay, not true. I've actually wanted to join here because I adore Kingdom Hearts. <3

I've got some KH2 screenshots, dunno if any of you've seen them [well, you have if you go to my journal *coughs*], but if you have, thankfully my post has two purposes.

I remember before the game came out, FYE had free posters in the back and I wandered back there, and saw one for KH. I was in awe; a Disney/Squaresoft videogame? So thankfully I took one home, and it's been hanging in my room ever since. ^^ I rented the game not long after, and after two periods of renting it, I'm at the second to last world. I don't have the game yet but I'm going to [finally] buy it in a few days. >>
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