Kingdom Hearts - August 16th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Kingdom Hearts

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August 16th, 2004

[Aug. 16th, 2004|02:27 pm]
[Current Mood | calm]
[Current Music |Jack Off Jill - Fear of Dying]

Heylo, I'm new here. Finished playing Kingdom Hearts a few months ago, and then I tried to play it on expert mode. Didn't get off the island, so I'm taking a break for a while. Well, it's been over a month since I've picked the game up to guess I'll just be coming in and out of here every now and then.

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Yay [Aug. 16th, 2004|08:37 pm]
[Current Mood | sleepy]

Off Topic: Thank you [info]anthony for linking my FF asylum on the info page :3

On Topic: I love Kingdom Hearts, I've gotten almost to the end, however I gave up because I needed to level up and I'm lazy, I also want to complete all the side quests.

Kingdom Hearts, an addictive and cute game. I love Aerith and Kairi.
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This post needs a subject.. [Aug. 16th, 2004|09:08 pm]
[Current Mood | crazy]
[Current Music |Chop Suey! || System of a Down]


New member here =D It kinda sucks being new >_< ANYWAY, Hi everybody, I'm Andrea. How's everybody doing today? (...Dangit, why can't I be this friendly in real life..o.o)

it took me almost a year to actually get to play Kingdom Hearts and when I did, I was a nutso perosn and played it all the time..for hours on end. I did beat it (And was proud of it =D) last March, danced around like a moron for a couple of days, then decided playing it on expert was agenius idea..and I'm about halfway through it right now on that saved game.

And I just can't wait for Kingdom Hearts II to come out! ^^ Just curious, does anybody know an exact(or close to one) of when it'll be coming out..? I'm not really sure. But I've heard Dec 30th o.O And I'll have money then! ^^ yaaaaay! I could buy it then! >_< But anyways, I'm just wanting to see if anybody else heard anything about the realse date.

Farwell for now, I'm pretty sure I'll post again later this week...when i'm not ready to murder my computer >_
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