Kingdom Hearts - August 2nd, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Kingdom Hearts

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August 2nd, 2004

Hello, all. [Aug. 2nd, 2004|02:45 pm]
[Current Mood | happy]
[Current Music |'Hikari'- Hikaru Utada]

Thought I'd post to say I joined the community, and hand out a few goodies.

And now, the original lyrics for the KH song Hikari ('light'), in Japanese (italics) and then in English. If I remember correctly, Hikari was the original theme for KH, but then SquareSoft replaced it with Simple and Clean another song done by Hikaru Utada, only this time in English.

Lyrics taken from
Hikaru )

If enough people want to listen to the audio track, I'll put a link here in the future. I plan on posting some pictures or screenshots up here next.
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[Aug. 2nd, 2004|04:09 pm]
[Current Mood | cheerful]
[Current Music |Postal Service - This Place is a Prison]

I find it funny that I was invited to join this asylum a mere two days after I started a new Kingdom Hearts game. Unfortunately, I've only played the game, and have heard a lot of stuff about second games, new plot twists, game revisions and the like, but I've never actually checked out how much truth there were to what I had dismissed as rumors.

What appealed to me most about the game were the graphics, bright colors [I'm a sucker for things that catch my eye] and revamped character designs. The plot stimulated my creativity and left me wondering what would happen next as I played. Maybe I'm over dramatizing it, but I had a blast playing it the first time around.

Anyway, just posting to kinda assert my new membership. =)
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