Kingdom Heart of the Cards' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Kingdom Heart of the Cards

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In which Riku's life falls apart completely [10 Sep 2008|04:58pm]
Riku was half asleep again when a man with a clipboard came into the room. He didn’t seem to care about the boys in the room. Indeed, he barely glanced over at them before going over to Roxas and taking note of whatever the beep beep beeps meant.

The man checked Roxas’s eyes, and attempted to communicate with him, and Riku found it useless at the moment since Roxas was obviously sleeping and waking him up would just make him shout curse words and stuff. But who was he to interrupt?

Until, of course, the man went and stuck a pin under one of Roxas’s fingernails.

“Hey!” Riku called. “Don’t do that to him. He’s not a pincushion. Who do you think you are?”

“The Doctor,” the man replied calmly as he continued to check Roxas.

Riku wanted to know this Joker’s name incase he needed to report him for malpractice. Who needlessly inflected pain on a kid who was asleep? “Doctor Who?”

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