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Another character - yay! [20 Oct 2008|06:22pm]
Hello folks! Its Britt here, again. I come bearing a new character in the PB shape of David Tennant and a reincarnation of Merlin from the Sword in the Stone. His name is Reginald Marvin Theolphilus, he's 35 years old, and is a high school professor at one of the local schools. As such, some of the younger characters in this group could easily be his students! He's a bit of a hermit and kinda lives in the country; not in town. His abilities are making predictions, although not always exact ones, and being able to perform a bit of magic. He specializes in moving objects and creating illusions, and occasionally has little 'magic shows' in town. Other than that, he uses his abilities for 'good,' and educational purposes. He can be a moody man, has a cheeky sense of humor, and can be rather egocentric. I have some storylines that I would love to have filled here: storylines. (He needs Archimedes and Arthur-types.) Other than these, he's probably known about the Kingdom as an educated man/teacher, magician, or hermit who's not fond of a lot of unexpected visitors! Oh, and he's single. Please check out his application in his journal for all his info: I had too much fun with him. Then again, I am a fan of both David Tennant and Merlin - that movie was a classic. And, once upon a time, I worked at Disneyworld in the Magic Kingdom for a few months with their college internship program, so I got to witness Merlin's sword in the stone ceremony in front of the carousel a lot. xD Anyway, drop me a line with any thoughts, plotlines, storyline ideas - whatever!
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