The Kingdom of Lasala's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Kingdom of Lasala

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[11 Feb 2012|12:27am]
Who: Selenore Fleur & Arlen Reeser
What: Unwanted knocking on a closed door
Where: The blacksmith shop of Selenore Fleur
When: Just after dark, backdated second month, eighth day
Rating: PG-13

No sleep till morn, when youth and pleasure meet. )
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[11 Feb 2012|10:50pm]
Who: Elena and Aurra
What: Seeking out old acquaintances and reunions
Where: The White City
When: Mid morning, during the festival
Rating: Low – probably PG throughout.

Elena had never really favored the White City )
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[11 Feb 2012|11:53pm]
Who: Rougin and Elena
Where: Festival
When: February 12th
Rating: PG

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