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[03 Jun 2004|11:52am]
Hello, minna-san. Name's Shinimitsukai, one of the resident lunatics. (No, really! I swear I've got my certificate around here somewhere!)

Obviously, I've played KH to the end. I even went as far as to achieve a so-called 'perfect game', including the Ultimate Keyblade. Now I gotta go do the same in Expert mode *sweatdrop*. The things I do for my obsessions...

Anyone have any thoughts on who the guy with 2 keyblades and silver hair is? He looks like Riku, but he's supposedly still trapped in Kingdom Hearts. I know of at least two people who think it's Sora with a dye job or something.

I really think an RPG would be cool. Gives us all something to do. Maybe a little yaoi can be involved? I have a penchant for Leon and Cloud...
[3] dreams ¦ became reality

[ viewing | June 3rd, 2004 ]
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