Keep Living OOC - January 15th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Keep Living OOC

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January 15th, 2011

[Jan. 15th, 2011|08:52 am]

SOO... For those of you who don't know, which I think is everyone except for Maxi, I've been moving into a new house the past few days because I've been living with my ex's family on the couch since November and I'm finishing that up today. With some luck I'll be done by mid-afternoon and I should be able to really get into gear tonight. *Tiny fist of victory similar to this icon!*

<3 Can't wait to playyyyy.
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Intro [Jan. 15th, 2011|03:38 pm]
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Hullo all, I'm Keeks. I'm 23, I live a really boring life, in a really boring small town. I work full time as an office manager at an apartment complex, but I'm usually home after six o'clock. Anyway, my aim is keeleyknn, and if I'm not on there, I can always be reached through my email:

I have just the one kid, Lavender Brown. Lavender is flighty and shallow, and in that respect she hasn't changed much since her school years. She is wildly temperamental, especially around the full moon; she has a little bit of werewolf blood running through her veins these days, but not enough to make her change into an actual werewolf. After the battle she had a full on meltdown, left the country with barely any notice and checked herself into a psychiatric hospital in France. After that she puttered around Europe for a couple of years, but missed her family and friends too much to stay away.

Her bio can be found here.
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