May 11th, 2011

03:27 am
[info]wolfish_cat: A story of a meeting, told in pictures

Happy Birthday, hon. :D I hope you've had a great day. *hugs tight*

Picspam alert xD )

01:16 pm
[info]ragdoll: Happy (belated) Birthday!

Happy birthday, dearest and welcome home! I had meant to get fic done for you, but the muse is not cooperating. So here is an I.O.U. for fic of your choice as soon as we can talk about it and much love from me to you. :)

09:24 pm
[info]eeyore9990: Belated, but not forgotten?

Congrats, hon! I'm so happy for you! I really really do have something in the works, but it's not ready yet (what, me missing a deadline? Quelle surprise, eh?). But yes, congratulations!! *hugs you tight*

I'll be back with fic!!