An RP for KickAss' Journal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in An RP for KickAss' InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013
    5:56 pm
    We're all we have left
    Dave had lost it all in many manners. He had lost his father, he had lost his girlfriend, and he had lost one of his biggest reasons to fight in his 'archenemy' so what did he really have to stay in his hometown for? When Mindy told him that she was leaving, he couldn't find a reason not to say fuck it and go with her. He made sure to get a P.O. Box so that he could still get payments from the insurance company on his father's wrongful death but other then that, he had severed most ties with the real world save for a few numbers that he kept in his cell phone in case of emergencies. This was going to be the beginning of a new life and for the moment, he had no intentions of ever going back home. There was nothing good for him there and while he didn't think that being a hero for his entire life would be something that he could really do, it sounded better then getting a shitty part time job and doing nothing with his life.

    He would take classes online, and work with Mindy. They were a team now and they had to see just how great they could become with one another. The kiss had been the only thing to throw him off though. He hadn't expected that but it wasn't an unwelcome surprise. A lot of people had been speculating that he and Mindy had been fucking for a few weeks now. He had never done anything physical with her other then sparring and never had even had the thought before. But maybe he had just been missing something. They would be living together soon enough so maybe all of that would chance, although he wasn't the type of guy that would put a lot of thought in to it until the time came.

    The ride to Big Daddy's had been slightly uncomfortable though on the bike, "You're gonna have to let me drive sometime," he warned her. The constant grinding against her on the back of the bike was going to leave him in a mood where he'd need some time alone by the time that they got to the safehouse if it continued. He was still a guy even if he had more emotions running through his veins then he had ever had before.

    As they headed up, he followed and let her lead the way since she knew the place far better then he ever could. "So, what all do we need?" He asked as he took an empty suitcase and opened it up for supplies. They obviously had to pack light for that little motorcycle but he'd get them a used car before long. At least then they'd have enough room and it wouldn't be too hard to find them. It wouldn't take all that long for someone to realize that Hit-Girl was riding around on a purple motorcycle. They'd likely have to get lost once someone followed them to their next destination and he wanted to prolong that for as long as possible.
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