Just shoot me

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February 27th, 2012

06:59 pm - Out on His Own
Finch had went out for lunch by himself today. Jack had a lunchtime meeting with someone, and they were going someplace fancy and, since Jack would likely not cover his meal or want him around, Finch had decided to not tag along for once and instead go out by himself. He was feeling a slight need for an independent streak as of late, and was going to make himself go out on his own a little. Maybe he was just sick and tired of being made fun of for it at the office. Sure, he'd always idolize Jack, but that didn't mean that he couldn't function on his own for a little while.

He had picked out a little bistro for himself, and had ordered himself some...chicken thing with a sauce. Whatever it was, it smelled and tasted good, so he really couldn't complain too badly.
Current Location: Bistro
Current Mood: [mood icon] hopeful
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January 26th, 2012

06:02 pm - Meeting the new client
I finished my daily morning staff meeting for the day and was about to go to my office,when Linwood stopped me. "We have a new client and I'm giving him to you." I nodded. "Thank you sir." I smiled. "I've set up a meeting with him in your office,oh and he insisted on bringing his assistant with him." Again I nodded that wasn't too uncommon around here, since most of our clients were important enough to have assistants. I started towards my office when I stopped and turned back. "What does he do?" Linwood sighed. "He owns a fashion magazine...he should be waiting in your office."

I nodded and walked back to my office, I grabbed a coffee from my assistant and double checked that I had a client waiting in my office and the name. My new client was none other than Jack Gallo, owner of Blush fashion magazine. I took a large sip of my coffee and swallowed before walking into my office and putting a smile on my face. "Mr. Gallo, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lilah Morgan, what can we do for you today?" I asked him as I glanced over at his short blonde assistant.
Current Location: my office
Current Mood: [mood icon] curious
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