Thu, Sep. 6th, 2007, 12:38 pm
[info]ex_solitary856: FAQ

Do we have to claim a specific character or pairing, or are we allowed to claim "General Series" for a specific book/movie/tv show?
Reading rule #8 should answer this clearly, but for those of you who somehow still missed it, the rule states, "Claims can be a single character, a pairing or threesome, a group within the universe, or an entire fandom." General Series would be the equivalent of an entire fandom.

Also, how many claims are we allowed to make at one time?
Right now, there's no limit. I do ask that you try to keep up with all the ones you make if you make multiple claims, rather than sitting on them until the last minute.

Thu, Sep. 6th, 2007, 12:21 pm
[info]ex_solitary856: Dropped Claims

If you're dropping your claim or asking for an extension, fill out the information below and post it as a comment to this post.


Thu, Sep. 6th, 2007, 12:20 pm
[info]ex_solitary856: Tables

Prompt Tables )

Thu, Sep. 6th, 2007, 12:17 pm
[info]ex_solitary856: Completed Claims

Fill out the information and post it as a comment to this entry. I'll add it to our hall of fame below.


Hall of Fame )

Thu, Sep. 6th, 2007, 12:07 pm
[info]ex_solitary856: Sign-Up

Fill out the information and post it as a comment to this entry. You can see in the table below whether your claim is free.


Claims )