A community-centred HP RPG

The Ministry for Magic wants to guarantee peace, and bridge the gap between witches and wizards who grew up in the magical world and those who didn't. Crosshaven Community Centre opened its doors this year to witches, wizards, and the muggle relatives of magical people, to bring them closer together and see what sparks will fly - magical and otherwise.

Layout By

February 12th, 2019



Charlie 07

Okay, people who are more competent at living alone than me. (That's probably most people.)

I've got an ex- old friend coming to stay with me for a couple of weeks or so and mostly when I've travelled I've stayed in accommodation at a dragon reserve (provided housing is what I was used to for years), or at a room over a pub type situation, only one or two hotels or friends' sofas etc. I've not had to organise someone staying with me like this before.

What sorts of things am I likely to be forgetting about hosting someone?

I've started trying to hunt down food he likes, clean sheets and towels are ready to go, I've got some suggestions for places to visit if he feels like it, and he'll be coming to work with me so that's covered. Have I forgotten something obvious?

[Warded to Weasleys]

It's Mikhail who's visiting, if any of you remember me talking about him.