A community-centred HP RPG

The Ministry for Magic wants to guarantee peace, and bridge the gap between witches and wizards who grew up in the magical world and those who didn't. Crosshaven Community Centre opened its doors this year to witches, wizards, and the muggle relatives of magical people, to bring them closer together and see what sparks will fly - magical and otherwise.

Layout By

February 3rd, 2019



Amelia 02

I'm just going to get this out here now since I'm already getting requests:

-No, we do not sell love potions at Bobbin's. If you really want one, go to the Weasley's store, order it from a flipping catalog, or brew it yourself.
-No, I will not brew you one on the side. I don't know you or what you would do with it. Plus you probably couldn't afford me.
-No, they don't make someone fall in love with you for real. They make someone creepily obsessed with you for 24 hours. At best, you'll get some solid snogging or boning. Trust me, I didn't go through five years of an apprenticeship to be told I'm wrong by some hormonal 18-year-olds. I will fight you on this all day.

However, I did have a lovely Muggle woman come in yesterday, while her son was in class and asked me a lot of questions about potions and various things. It was nice seeing her taking such an interest in learning about the things her child will be exposed to making in school. I just hope I didn't confuse her too badly.


Hi. My brother mentioned he talked to you about a date. He told me you had a game on the 6th but someday after that, we could possibly meet up?

I need a stress run or workout. Who's in?