A community-centred HP RPG

The Ministry for Magic wants to guarantee peace, and bridge the gap between witches and wizards who grew up in the magical world and those who didn't. Crosshaven Community Centre opened its doors this year to witches, wizards, and the muggle relatives of magical people, to bring them closer together and see what sparks will fly - magical and otherwise.

Layout By

January 7th, 2019



I don't know how it happens but it seems each year I forget out how busy the shop is at the start of January. Everyone comes in looking for help with their resolutions. Just a reminder, while potions can do a lot, there are some things that they can't help with. Also, I won't sell to you if I know you have unethical intent for them - Company policy.

In other news, I am officially the only Bletchley sibling left in their 20's and I'm not sure how to feel about that. Why do we have to keep getting older? I would like to stay in my 20's forever. Is there a certain age any of you would like to permanently be?