June 16th, 2007

[info]elizacake in [info]journeywest

Fic: The Doors You Open

Title: The Doors You Open
Pairing: Saiyuki OT4
Rating: Inexplicit
Status: Complete
Summary: Goku hates to be left out.
Author's Notes: For the prompt - Foursome Which means all of Saiyuki is kink. *g*
This is the last of the Saiyuki fic I wrote for LJ's Springkink comm in April. They ended up being in the same story time line, and all the titles were pilfered from U2 Lyrics.

The link below is to my LJ. If(when) I transfer fic over here, I'll change the link to IJ.

He wonders if they really think they're fooling anyone.
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