June 10th, 2007

[info]yohjideranged in [info]journeywest

A Challenge

Okay you guys, I *know* that we have some fiction writers and artists out there. So, I am giving you a bit of a challenge.

This challenge is designed to get you all posting, so don't be shy!

I would like to see what you could do with these prompts:

1. In a tent
2. Meat buns
3. Walking nightmares
4. Nicotine addiction
5. Secrets and Lies
6. Food fight
7. Seeing the future
8. Trouble with Lirin
9. "Merciful my ass!"
10. Letting it go

So, what can you do with those? For fiction: I will expect at least 100 words.

Artists and writers, let your imaginations run wild!!

[info]elizacake in [info]journeywest

Fic: Tell Me Something True

I'm challenged out from over-doing it this spring, but I could share some of the results of that period of insanity.

Title: Tell Me Something True
Pairing: Gojyo/Sanzo
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete
Summary: So that's what that was all about. Maybe.
Author's Notes: Written for the prompt: "Angry sex, where Sanzo knows what he's doing" Beta'ed by Rana, who knows how to deal with touchy blonds.

The link below is to my LJ. If I transfer fic over here, I'll change the link to IJ.

The punch isn't a surprise, he has it coming...