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[03 May 2020|08:00pm]

The wedding yesterday was absolutely lovely. The venue was amazing, and everyone looked stunning. I wish the new Rosiers each and every happiness.

So...when do we start planning yours?


I'm bored. I know why Quidditch is cancelled, but I have nothing to do all day. I think Ky will fall into apoplexy if he keeps finding junk in his kitchen. Do you need any help at the shop? I don't need a paycheck or anything, I'm just bored. I've never done ice cream, but you could teach me? Or just shove me at the baking.

[03 May 2020|03:18pm]

Is mother still destroying things?


[02 May 2020|11:41pm]

[sent after these events]

I have an idea on how you can be with your daughter right now. She needs you.

[02 May 2020|10:01pm]

Owl to Rabastan Lestrange : Sent through Anonymous Owl )

[02 May 2020|09:37am]

ooc note: this was posted late afternoon

I'm alive. I'm in a safe place. I just wanted to update people.

[02 May 2020|02:31am]

... Be well...

[01 May 2020|08:41pm]

Owl sent to Europa early Friday morning May 1. )

[01 May 2020|04:38pm]

| Alastair |
Someone tried to kill me last night.

| Hector |
We have to spend the night apart, tradition demands it. Do you think your father will
Don't celebrate your stag too much. I want you sober tomorrow to watch your will to behave unravel.

| Jacen |
Thank you for saving my life.

| Kit |
Do you think I could spend the night at yours?

edited in later:

| Draven |
Do you have any friends in the darker circles of dueling that might want paid to act as security for a night?

[01 May 2020|02:09pm]

I am so excited that tomorrow we will be expanding our family by one. To Hector and Nyx, I wish nothing but your happiest dreams coming true tomorrow.

I feel a little sick to my stomach. There were BODY PARTS Maria Potter is missing and all I can seem to talk about publically is a wedding. I know she is your friend. Is there anything I can do?

When this wedding is over why don't we catch up? It's been too long.

[01 May 2020|01:35am]

{Shortly after This.}

Nyx is currently sleeping in her bed. I have no doubt she will be very angry when she wakes. Good luck with that.


{Nyx, once she wakes up.}
It was for your own good. At least you will still be able to attend your wedding without any further injuries. Please wait for a decent hour before screeching at me. I would like to get some sleep.


[30 Apr 2020|11:53pm]

I’ve seen a lot of talk about people going missing lately. Is this going to become a trend? It’s enough to make a girl never want to leave her flat again.

[30 Apr 2020|11:19pm]

TO: Rabastan Lestrange
FROM: Percy Weasley
WHEN: Thursday Evening

I would like to tenure my resignation )

[30 Apr 2020|11:27pm]

I decided to start a work out routine this morning before having to go to work. I got dressed in my new workout outfit, did my stretches, warmed up and made my way out of the house to run. I made it to the end of the walkway, turned right back around, ran into the house and right to the couch where I ate a bag of crisps with cheese dip. I would call that a big 'ole fail.

I'm not Ernie, okay? I can't shovel food into my mouth and then train for hours to have the body of some sort of famous sculpture. I don't have abs of steel or buns of steel, or anything remotely steel-like.

Then after work, I decided to try again, threw on my workout outfit, stretched, warmed up and left the flat again, made it to the end of the walkway, and turned right back around, going straight to Ernie's room and hogging all of the blankets.

The motivation level is 0.

I heard that there are people missing, and I hate that especially because I am friendly with them both. I hope that they are found safe and sound, and soon. Speaking of which, is Zach missing or no? I haven't seen or heard his mouth in the flat lately.

[30 Apr 2020|11:16pm]

Thanks to everybody who met up with me on such short notice last night to go out and look for Maria. We didn't find anything, certainly didn't find her, so it was a complete bust but it was the thought that counts. I just hope that she gets found soon and is safe.

I know some of you didn't really want to join the search but because of me, you did. Thank you, it meant a lot.

Just sitting around waiting to hear something is going to make me mental though. I started baking simply to try to occupy myself. Now there is a kitchen over flowing of baked goods and I've got no appetite. Somebody should probably stop me.

[30 Apr 2020|06:35pm]

My father is trying to have Nyx killed. Be wary of something coming now.
Where are you?

[30 Apr 2020|09:32pm]

If you'd held on tighter to that which mattered to you, it wouldn't be lost, now would it?

| Ama |
We're going out tonight. Get ready and wear something stunning. I'm showing you off properly.

| Hector |
Speaking of something lost. I'd write a quick goodbye if you want to find some closure. She should be dead within minutes.

Private to Dax Ulrich [30 Apr 2020|09:20pm]

[Apparition Points]

Just let me know she is safe.

[30 Apr 2020|05:46pm]

Life doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints.

Which one did you take?
Congratulations. I didn't say so before, but these are trying times to bring a child into this world. Take care.
[added later:]

[Apparation Point]

Give those coordinates to Dax Ulrich. She is unharmed. Do not ask how I got the information.
Hey, could I ask you to come over? I need someone to talk to and I don't really know who else to go to. Most of my friends are idiot boys.

april 30th 2005. [30 Apr 2020|05:27pm]

We're in Taurus season now. A great time to fill your entire flat with plants. I personally have bought three ferns this week, and that's my excuse.

Hey, you. How are you holding up? I know two of your three friends are being touted as terrorists, so that's got to suck.

I keep hearing about girls going missing, or something. You two stay safe, you're my favorite cousins.

[30 Apr 2020|08:05pm]

I have been on a huge chocolate kick lately, so all my current flavors are centered around that. The latest, and the flavor I’m deciding to introduce into the shop soon, I’ve dubbed Chocolate Molten Cake. It is dark chocolate ice cream, chewy cake pieces, and fudge frosting swirl.

How does that sound? Anyone want to give it a try?

[MacDougals + Alec]
I’ve made a special batch for you lot. You don’t get much choice in the trying (just kidding, I won’t force anyone!)

I made a separate molten chocolate cake just for you, by the way.

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