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[01 May 2020|01:35am]
{Shortly after This.}

Nyx is currently sleeping in her bed. I have no doubt she will be very angry when she wakes. Good luck with that.


{Nyx, once she wakes up.}
It was for your own good. At least you will still be able to attend your wedding without any further injuries. Please wait for a decent hour before screeching at me. I would like to get some sleep.


[01 May 2020|02:09pm]
I am so excited that tomorrow we will be expanding our family by one. To Hector and Nyx, I wish nothing but your happiest dreams coming true tomorrow.

I feel a little sick to my stomach. There were BODY PARTS Maria Potter is missing and all I can seem to talk about publically is a wedding. I know she is your friend. Is there anything I can do?

When this wedding is over why don't we catch up? It's been too long.

[01 May 2020|04:38pm]
| Alastair |
Someone tried to kill me last night.

| Hector |
We have to spend the night apart, tradition demands it. Do you think your father will
Don't celebrate your stag too much. I want you sober tomorrow to watch your will to behave unravel.

| Jacen |
Thank you for saving my life.

| Kit |
Do you think I could spend the night at yours?

edited in later:

| Draven |
Do you have any friends in the darker circles of dueling that might want paid to act as security for a night?

[01 May 2020|08:41pm]
Owl sent to Europa early Friday morning May 1. )

[ viewing | May 1st, 2020 ]
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