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[22 Mar 2020|12:55am]
I will admit, I have not experienced such a joyous afternoon in quite some time. I am beyond pleased that young Mr. Potter chose lunch at the palace to ask his significant other to marry him and to have been witness to such a joyous occasion is something special indeed.

Once again I offer you my sincere congratulations Mr. Potter and Ms. Weasley. I look forward to your future wedding.

[22 Mar 2020|01:01am]
OWL to: Ernie Macmillan
OWL from: Hannah Abbott

OWL Letter )

[22 Mar 2020|11:02am]
Sometimes I wish I were good at Quidditch. I mean, I've played a bit but never enough to consider myself 'skilled' at it.

I've started a new painting but it just feels....empty. I need something else but not entirely sure what just yet. Motes of inspiration unfortunately always drift into my head late at night while I'm in bed and certainly too tired to actually get up and paint, then I either forget by morning or I write it down and my nonsensical scribblings make no sense. ...I should work on my penmanship.

[ viewing | March 22nd, 2020 ]
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