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[19 Mar 2020|06:52pm]
I love cursebreaking. I hate the downtime between assignments. I need a hobby. A hobby I can do while in the bank. Who has ideas?


How’s everyone? I know for some it’s a time you feel better, and for others it’s a time when we’re at our lowest. Not being pushy, just trying to check in see if anyone needs anything.

[19 Mar 2020|07:11pm]
I didn’t spend enough time in London when I was in England for the Triwizard all those years ago. What places are an absolute must to visit?


Are you ignoring me, bichette?


It has been too long. I have some very good Bordeaux and cognac, we should have a bit of a family reunion, oui?

[ viewing | March 19th, 2020 ]
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