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[17 Mar 2020|12:45am]
[Private to Friends/Family NOT George]

[Private to George]

So Alicia is back in town and I thought you should know so you can stay the hell awa
Oi. Do a better job of letting me know you're alive from time to time.


[17 Mar 2020|03:29pm]
Congratulations to the happy couple. Upcoming nuptials are always exciting. I can't wait to see what everyone wears to outdo the other guests. Just remember that trying to outdo the bride is both tacky and impossible.

Nyx, my love. I certainly hope you aren't planning to buy a wedding dress in the store. Bring your bridal party to me as soon as possible and I will make sure you have exactly what you want.

[birth giver]
Another wedding and you're still without a date. How is your attempt to court Rabastan Lestrange going?
Selwyn, huh? I guess it can't be said that you don't have a type.

[17 Mar 2020|11:15pm]
[Private to Charlie]

I'm starting to get things together for the MoonDance for next month, but I'm worried that it won't be...y'know royal enough. I don't want to disappoint anyone and I'm not sure where the line between on-theme and tacky is.


Today was the day of reinforcing the silencing charms on the small flock of Fwoopers we have in the menagerie. I'm wondering if we waited a bit long, as I currently have a bit of a headache. Oof.

Edited later
[Private to Oberon Lightfellow]
Hi. You don't know me, I don't think. But I work at the Royal Menagerie with Charlie Weasley. And he told me that you might be able to help with a party we are planning for next full moon. So I was hoping that...I mean if you're not too busy with your actual job and all...maybe you could come and take a look at the decorations I made? I am not really the best with this kind of thing, but I really want this event to be special and lead to other events because I really really like this job and I think that people would enjoy visiting the menagerie more if they knew how interesting and beautiful the creatures are and so, if you aren't too busy maybe you could just let me know if everything is tacky and awful.



[ viewing | March 17th, 2020 ]
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