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Royal Wands Journals

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[12 Mar 2020|11:28am]
I encourage all of those who are looking at joining the protests that they do not. It is a time to be banding behind the weight of the Royal Family and offering them all the support they deserve.

I have been working hard on a new amulet which will be available at Borgin and Bourkes from the end of this week. It has the ability to shield your body from minor attacks including knives. The first twenty to be sold will get them at half price.

How are you sister?

[12 Mar 2020|08:15pm]
I can only be grateful for all the wonderful knights who protect the royal family. While my views may not aligns completely with theirs, it would be a great tragedy if any harm were to come to Prince Regulus and his family. It is easy to take people for granted, especially if they are always at our sides doing silent work until the time is right. To all knights and workers within the palace, I offer my sincerest thanks for your continued hard work.

Hey! I have something I want to show you. Want to go on an adventure with me tonight?

[12 Mar 2020|10:16pm]
[Private to Harry]
Your sister just told me the grossest thing in the whole world and THEN tried to act like it was fine.

[Private to Ron]
What in the name of Merlin's tits is the matter with you?!

Had a great time over at St. Mungo's with Morag today. We met a bunch of brilliant kids in the Magical Bugs ward. They were all surprisingly up on their quiddy facts and one girl was very certain she was going to be a teammate of mine in a few years.

[ viewing | March 12th, 2020 ]
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