Royal Wands Journals' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Royal Wands Journals

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[28 Feb 2020|12:28pm]
The preparations for the Easter ball are coming along well and I do hope to see you all there.

I expect you all for dinner on Saturday. A casual affair but one we haven't done in a long time.

[28 Feb 2020|11:44pm]
[Dad and Raleigh]

So I--Clarence wasn't feeling well and I couldn't just--The important thing is th-

Please don't open my bedroom door. No matter what sounds you might. Everything is fine.

Just...don't. I'll be back soon.
[/Dad and Raleigh]

Today is a day that could do with a restart button.

[ viewing | February 28th, 2020 ]
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