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Animorphs OOC

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[01 Dec 2010|05:26am]

Hey folks! Just giving you guys a heads up, I had a family emergency and haven't been able to get online. I'll be back in full swing tomorrow though! Thanks for your patience and for keeping the thread going! I'll have a mission thread up tomorrow as well!
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Icons guys [24 Nov 2010|04:28pm]

So I went icon hunting for animals and I have:

A present for Rachel Heather!

a present for our eventual Cassie!

a present for our eventual lioness-morph-having OC!


some other animals too! (I nabbed the panther, the red fox, and the snowy owl btw, since Chance will eventually have those.)
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Intros all around! [23 Nov 2010|09:07pm]

Hi everyone! I'm May, the new kid on the block. I'm super-excited about this game since I've been grooving on the series since I was ten or something. I haven't read them in a looooong time, though (and my library was one of those uncool ones that had weirdly sporadic installments of the series, so I never got to actually finish it D:) but the awesome mod-type is sending me books so hopefully I'll be able to keep up with everything that's going on. I am currently in the CET time zone since I'm doing my junior year abroad, so I'm six hours ahead of EST. Threading is love and I am always up for plotting/scening with anyone, although AIM is currently causing my computer to freak out and shut down, so the best way to get in contact with me is either going to be the OOC contact post in my journal or my email morning.glow.goddess@gmail.com. Now that all that's out of the way, on to the actual character.

I'm bringing you Male OC Number 1, now known as Nicolas Chance McAllister (do not call him Nicolas or he will get Very Upset). He's a senior in high school and he's a pretty cool kid. He's a jock through and through - he's on the basketball and swim teams and he spends most of his free time at the gym or doing basketball drills. He's a great player, but he tends to crack under pressure. He cares about school to an extent, but he's not terribly book-smart, but his jock-dom makes him rather popular. He's not a stereotypical jock in the being-mean-to-nerds department, though (so don't worry Tobias!) - he actually does try his best to be nice and fair to everyone (something that his teammates aren't always terribly happy about).

The thing that Chance cares about most in the world is his little sister Kelly, who's two years younger than he is. They've been through a lot together: their childhood stucked because their snooty, rich mom left and then they had to struggle to make ends meet for a few years, which is around the time that Chance got into sports. The money thing all worked out, though, because Chance's dad eventually got a divorce settlement out of his ex-wife that gave the family a couple million dollars, but he's type of responsible dad that locked most of the money away in a trust fund and made Chance and Kelly get jobs. It's really important to Chance that no one knows about the money because he doesn't want anyone to treat him differently (plus, it's associated with his mother, and he doesn't like that), so maybe someone can discover that secret at some point.

Oh, and a note about Kelly: Chance loves her dearly and would do almost anything for her, which is why I think it would be so cool if someone would pick her up as a controller at some point. Please contact me if that interests you!

Wow, that was long. TL;DR: Chance is a nice guy with a complicated family history. He is secretly rich, has crippling insecurities and usually cracks under pressure. Also, he loves his little sister.

I can't wait to play and plot with everyone! <3
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