Jobberknoll Out of Character [entries|friends|calendar]
Jobberknoll Out of Character journal

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Mini hiatus. [05 Jan 2008|05:39pm]

Hi friends.

I regret to inform you that work is retarded and therefore I'll be on a mini hiatus for the next two days. I might be able to come on for like 5 minutes when I get home from work tonight, but most likely not. They've decided to schedule me for a close and then an open the next morning when I live 40 minutes away. Somewhere between getting home, washing my clothes and going to bed, I have to take a shower and do my hair and then get up at 645 (when I'll likely be getting home after 12). NOT FUN.

Unless I can find someone to switch shifts with me on Sunday, then I won't be around until Sunday at 6pm ish. And even then, I might be napping.
2 Yells+Scream

[03 Jan 2008|10:47am]

Heya All!

I'm Peg, and I'm your new James--I'm going to be attempting to fill some pretty big shoes, I'll try not to disappoint you all. ;) If not, you can blame Alex (only kidding, love!)

I've spoken to a couple of you, and I'm really excited to be playing with you all! So, feel free to im me if you want to talk about our character's interactions. I should warn you though, my James is a prankster for real. He doesn't take much seriously, except when it comes to his friends getting hurt (and of course one Lily Evans).

I'm on AIM at hornysnitchlover. And email at

Waiting to hear from ya!
17 Yells+Scream

Sup [03 Jan 2008|01:21am]

Everybody friend add. I'm happy to announce that we got a James and a Regulus today!
2 Yells+Scream

Game modded by Brooke and I [02 Jan 2008|02:34pm]


It's 2022, and a new generation of students is now attending Hogwarts.
The world has evolved, the students have changed, and everything is different.
Students are engaging in activities racier than ever, and at Hogwarts, we all know that anything can happen.
Since the defeat of Voldemort, the Wizarding World and the Muggle World lived in a state of peaceful coexistence, but this will soon change.
War is looming around the corner, and new evils will soon arise.
Will you be there to witness this?
More importantly, will you help in the war against the new dark wizards, or will you side with them?

Hogwarts, The Next Generation... it goes there.

Characters | Application | Rules | Friend All | At Hogwarts | Contact List

[info]tng_hogwarts | [info]tng_ooc

Opening January 7th!

[01 Jan 2008|03:09pm]

Hi! I'm Chava! I know a few of you from OH already. But yeah...bringing you all Narcissa Black. She's, well, Narcissa Black xD That sums up quite a bit of her personality. She daydreams a lot, loves flowers, loves her family, and is a complete Blood Purist and spoilt. She's absolutely darling to those in her house, and polite to most other people if they talk to her. But, her prejudices will always get in the way eventually.

So, Cissa's always up for some plotting. You can all IM whenever at abrokendoii :)
9 Yells+Scream

Yo [01 Jan 2008|01:42pm]

Everyone friend add. We'd removed some chars and added new ones.

And so everyone knows, the next sweeps will be Jan. 25th. So I suggest you all post before then to save yourselves from being booted. We need to up the activity around here so that we can get some more people to app and join! We need James, Peter, etc etc etc.
1 Yell+Scream

[01 Jan 2008|03:04am]


Narcissa Black
Glenda Chittock
Celestina Warbeck
Hestia Jones
Amelia Bones
James Potter

Those characters are now up for grabs!
3 Yells+Scream

[31 Dec 2007|01:12pm]

Greetings and salutations! Allie here, introducing my third (and final!) character: Tilden Toots-Llewellyn. Follow the link for detailed information on this 7th year Hufflepuff. :)

Anyway, you all know this by now, but my AIM is flyingallegra and I’m almost always on. Let me know if you want to plot, develop backstories, etc. I’m pretty much open to anything!

So...friends, enemies, acquaintances?
8 Yells+Scream

[29 Dec 2007|02:50pm]

Hello, I'm Kasey, a nice little newbie! I'm a sophomore in college majoring in English and Theater. I bring you wonder Alice Bennett (aka Alice Longbottom). Her profile is on her page, if you're curious. If anyone wants to plot, my AIM is ILoveanElf and I am almost always on.

Acquaintances, friends, enemies, that one guy she accidentally dyed purple in her third year?
15 Yells+Scream

Sweeps [28 Dec 2007|12:36am]

The following characters are in danger of being swept on January first of the new year (plus the reason in italics):

-Glenda Chittock (hasn't moved over from GJ yet)
-Celestina Warbeck (hasn't moved over from GJ yet)
-Amelia Bones (inactivity/hasn't moved over from GJ yet)
-Alice Cartwright (inactivity)
-James Potter (inactivity)
-Narcissa Black
-Dolores Umbridge (inactivity)
-Hestia Jones (inactivity)
-Sybill Trelawney (inactivity)

Anyone who is away or taking a small leave of absence, please contact the mods. I'll put strikethroughs through any name that's been excused from the sweeps. If you don't contact the mods before sweeps, and are swept but want your character back (if it isn't taken), we will certainly give it back to you. But as this game is new, we need it to thrive to survive. Therefore, inactivity cannot be tolerated.

[28 Dec 2007|12:14am]

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to take a moment and spam your friends list with a new community I created. It is called A Writing Prompt A Day. There was a community like this on livejournal that I belonged to and figured it would be nice to expand everyone's opportunities to practice their writing in all kinds of genres.


Please join and please spread the word to your friends who like to write.

Thank you!

/End mod-approved asylum promo.

[26 Dec 2007|07:56pm]

Heeeeey! It's Lyddia for the fourth time with Meghan McCormack, aka Kirley Duke's half sister! I'm so done picking up characters now! Seriously!

Anyroad, Meghan is a super tomboy, and a hard core Quidditch player, and just generally very different from her brother Kirley. She's pretty friendly for the most part, until that sassy attitude of hers gets in the way. She's full of snappy comebacks and insults. She's a wealth of useless knowlede, and generally is just "one of the guys", since she doesn't get along very well with girls, especially not girly-girls... SO! Friends/Enemies/Love interests/Whatever, send them my way!
16 Yells+Scream

[26 Dec 2007|09:38pm]

Hello everyone! Friend add! We've got a few new chars since last week.

As a reminder, we've got sweeps coming up on Jan 1. Anyone who hasn't posted since joining, save the people who joined this week, and anyone who hasn't moved over from GJ yet, WILL be swept.

Just giving notice.

Whatyatryin'tasay? [24 Dec 2007|02:01am]
[ music | Lily Allen (Alfie) ]

After much delay, here I am. I know 99% of you don't even know who I am.
Well! I can tell you. I'm Tabs. (I've followed Amanda and Alissa from PI. x]) And I'm bringing you the one and only (of several thousand others...) Xenophilius Lovegood. I'm still working on his journal, icons, and app.-age, but! I couldn't help myself. I had to make an introduction.

Anyway. If anyone wants to get a hold of me - they can. Via email would be best [roachie_198 (at) yahoo (dot) com - or if you're desparate, tabberry (at) umich (dot) edu]. I'm hardly on AIM, but if you want to test it out, I'm No Thats Trendy.

Sooo. That's that. x] I'm excited to play with you all and if anyone wants/has/whatever plottage, feel free to come forward with it, man, and we can get goin'. Histories/friends/etc. are all welcome.

I'm dying with anticipation.

Oh. And Merry Christmas, if that's your holiday!

36 Yells+Scream

Rodolphus-mun! [23 Dec 2007|07:40pm]

Rodolphus + Winter Break = Time with Bella!

... Oh, and I'm sure Bella will find time for her sisters :P Also, I'm waiting for Narcissa's reply in the Sister thread, otherwise she might have too much to catch up to.

[23 Dec 2007|09:32am]

This might have already been asked. Can't say I remember. When do the winter holidays start for the kiddies?
4 Yells+Scream

[23 Dec 2007|12:52pm]


I bring you the scatterbrain -Bertha Jorkins! She's in desperate need of gossip, so all those secrets you want leaked, post about it here and Bertha will see to it!

Acquaintances, friends, enemies and crushes are also most welcome to announce their interest =)
2 Yells+Scream

[23 Dec 2007|12:46am]

Ahoy! New character! Everyone run to the Friend Button.

icon uploader [21 Dec 2007|05:15pm]


[21 Dec 2007|12:59am]

Kait again. Remember in Amycus's introduction, how I said it would be my last one? Such a lie. I've traded out Aurora for another boy, and -- shocker! -- he's not a future Death Eater! Nor is he even a Slytherin! He is Ted Tonks, future father of Nymphadora Tonks.

So, Ted is pretty much the sweetest kid you'll ever meet, but he's had it rough. He was bullied all his childhood for being 'different' (a wizard), and he's gotten into his fair share of disagreements with wankers like my other boys who bully him because he's a Muggleborn. He hates intolerance more than anything, but he's definitely a lover, not a fighter. Life is looking up for him lately though. He's a 7th year prefect, Hufflepuff Chaser and Captain, and among the non-prejudiced, he's really quite popular. And it's hard not to like Ted. He's the kind of guy who'll go out of his way to help out a stranger, just because he's nice like that.

Ted has problems believing that people actually sincerely like him, because he's been pushed around so much. He learned how to stick up for himself, but he prefers to just ignore the problem. He also has issues believing that girls like him. He's dated a bit, but nothing really serious -- he's a romantic, holding out for true love. (Let's have an 'awwww' for the boy.) We all know he ends up with Andromeda Black, but girls kind of confuse him at the moment.

So. Interactions?
6 Yells+Scream

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