Jobberknoll Out of Character -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Jobberknoll Out of Character journal

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[28 Dec 2007|12:14am]
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to take a moment and spam your friends list with a new community I created. It is called A Writing Prompt A Day. There was a community like this on livejournal that I belonged to and figured it would be nice to expand everyone's opportunities to practice their writing in all kinds of genres.


Please join and please spread the word to your friends who like to write.

Thank you!

/End mod-approved asylum promo.

Sweeps [28 Dec 2007|12:36am]
The following characters are in danger of being swept on January first of the new year (plus the reason in italics):

-Glenda Chittock (hasn't moved over from GJ yet)
-Celestina Warbeck (hasn't moved over from GJ yet)
-Amelia Bones (inactivity/hasn't moved over from GJ yet)
-Alice Cartwright (inactivity)
-James Potter (inactivity)
-Narcissa Black
-Dolores Umbridge (inactivity)
-Hestia Jones (inactivity)
-Sybill Trelawney (inactivity)

Anyone who is away or taking a small leave of absence, please contact the mods. I'll put strikethroughs through any name that's been excused from the sweeps. If you don't contact the mods before sweeps, and are swept but want your character back (if it isn't taken), we will certainly give it back to you. But as this game is new, we need it to thrive to survive. Therefore, inactivity cannot be tolerated.

[ viewing | December 28th, 2007 ]
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