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posted on the 11th of April @ 10:13am


Hey everyone! So I plan on bringing this Sophia Bush here and was wondering what I could get for her. She’s twenty-six and a native of Las Vegas, Nevada. She goes by the name Harley.. i.e. Harley Quinn (even though her birth name is not Harley. But only a few knew her real first name). She recently moved to Seattle a month or so ago with her husband [info]lucasm so he could open his own law practice. She was a casino host down in Las Vegas at a casino her parents own but it was very hush hush that she was their kid, hence the going by a different first name. She is currently a hairdresser, works part-time at a salon then the rest of the time at home. She attended NYU and actually has her B.A. in Anthropology but she has yet to do anything with her. I just woke up so I apologize for my rambles! Anyway I’d love some new friends, clients, maybe people she had randomly run into in the past!

posted on the 4th of April @ 2:52am


Hello there! I wasn't actually going to post one of these just because I kind of wanted to see what lines would develop organically, but I figured I ought to anyway just for kicks and potential scenes and whatnot. So this is Noah, the other Noah as there's another, haha. He's an illustrator for children's books so he basically works his own schedule and therefore chooses to work obscure hours. In short, he's frequently available. Has lived in Seattle his whole life, his mom owns a kosher bakery in Ravenna, and he takes great joy in insulting people (sometimes in a friendly way...). This is totally pointless because I'm not really looking for lines but I don't know, just saying hey! Sup. Potential random scenes are welcome at any point in the future, or you can comment here to discuss with me the joys of peanut butter.

posted on the 25th of March @ 5:53pm


Hello everyone! Now that real life has calmed down for about five minutes, I figured it was about time I posted here. Lets see..Noah is in a word, awesome. (I'm not biased at all.)

His bio does a decent job of describing him, but I'll give you the basics. He is twenty-seven years old and is a single father to a soon-to-be five year old little girl, Arielle. He went to College in California -- Pre-Law -- but after Arielle was born he decided not to go to law school and moved back to Seattle with [info]breer. Eventually the two opened up Say Wok? Chinese resturant and then Ben Dover's Gentleman's Club together.

 Noah is the middle child of the Fitzpatrick family, smack dab in the middle of five kids. His oldest sister passed away a couple of years ago and was married to  [info]jessup,  so he considers Jess and his family as part of his own family as well. He also has an older brother [info]gfitzpatrick, a younger brother [info]hfitzpatrick and a younger sister [info]alycejane
While he can be rather untrusting when it comes to new people (especially women) he a generally friendly, laid back slightly goofy guy. I think he's pretty set on family (unless someone wants to get crazy and throw a cousin or two into the mix! hah.) but he needs everything else! Friends, exes (he won't have too many, because it takes a lot to convince Noah to give an actual relationship a shot), flings, people that work at his and Brads restaurant or club...etc etc

posted on the 22nd of March @ 4:51pm


So, clearly I fail because I only just realised this comm was here. Anyway, let me introduce you all to Joe Mars. Joe is a 40 year old forensic pathologist working with the state police department, and a part-time lecturer at the University of Washington. Joe was born and raised in Glasgow, attended the University of Edinburgh where he obtained his medical degree, before moving to London to start his residency at King's Hill Hospital. After that was complete he started working as an intern pathologist with Scotland Yard. Everything was on track until about seven years ago when he was sent to Paris on a conference, walked into a coffee shop one day and had the good luck to be waited on by [info]ellast. There was an immediate connection between the two and when Stella announced that she was returning to the States Joe decided to try his luck over here too.

So, they moved to San Francisco where she finished her degree and Joe found work easily. They lived there for about five years before the recession hit, their friends started to lose their jobs and move away. Joe was offered a new job in Seattle, which happens to be Stella's hometown, and so they moved. They're currently renting a three bed apartment in Fremont (although Joe's itching to actually buy their own place), which is slowly beginning to fill with Joe's books (he keeps buying and forgetting to read) and Stella's art. Personality-wise, Joe is a very laid-back, easy-going kind of guy. He takes his work very seriously but aside from that he's sort of a huge dork. He loves Pixar movies, Neil Gaiman novels and classic rock. He's a terrible cook but that doesn't stop him trying and he's also the worst shopper known to mankind (he just fills his basket with a random collection of things that he hopes might be useful but which usually aren't).

Ummm ... ok, I think I've rambled on enough. I'd love some more friends for him. Possibly a couple students who've attended his lectures/know him? I think I still need to speak to one of the Greene's? Anything else you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated though.

posted on the 20th of March @ 11:00am


Hi everyone! This is Barbara, and I haven't completely fleshed her out but here are the bare bones facts: she's going to be sort of a... liz lemon type, if you know 30 rock. Very career oriented and successful but with a laughable social life. Single, in her late thirties early forties (I haven't decided) and quirky and jaded, with an impressive cardigan collection... and in desperate need of conditioner. OH she also has an intense fear of dogs. When she was 30, she got a pretty vicious dog bite to the face (well, chin/neck area since Sandy and [info]masonbrody had to graft skin from her butt to her face. So... lines? :D

PS she's a producer at a Seattle radio station. Think... Roz from Frasier.

posted on the 18th of March @ 4:58am



I just apped this girl. Her name is Katrina and she's [info]novemberdy's little sister. Her bio is up in her journal. Long story short--She's in her first year at Cornish College of the Arts where she's studying music. She works two jobs, one of which is at the bookstore owned by [info]hipkiss. She's moody, competitive, stubborn, and generally ridiculous. In her free times she likes to take naps in awkward places and perform in open houses and live music venues. And I am ho-ing her her out for lines!

posted on the 18th of March @ 1:07am


Salutations, citizens of the internet. I just applied Brad here and I am hoping to get some lines for him. You can read about him in his journal, but the nitty gritty is: He's 29, proud owner of Say Wok? Chinese resturant and Ben Dover's Gentleman's Club (he thinks he's clever, yes), former model, and former farm boy. He has a healthy social life, due to his line of business being mostly social and pretty much living in a strip club most nights, so he's pretty friendly and has never met a stranger. He rarely acts his age and... that's all I got. I'm textually spent.

So, lines? Please? I'm not too proud to beg.

posted on the 17th of March @ 3:39pm


Meet Berko! I'm still in the middle of working on his bio, but I'll be done soonish. He's the youngest of three, with two twins sisters that have made him an uncle. His dad is living with him now after some chaos and a death at his childhood home, and I have him working as the illustrator on comic books that he's making with friends, and working as a reporter at a local underground music and entertainment paper. So? I guess I could use some friends? best buddies that would be the only ones that know his name isn't actually Berko, an ex or two would be fabulous, employees that work with him? Friends at the coffee houses and bars that he hangs out at? Maybe guys and girls from the comic book store? He's been in Seattle off and on for the last few years, moving here when he was 18, and leaving when he was about 27, 28 to take care of his mom back home. childhood friends that may have moved to Seattle? Anything, to be honest!

posted on the 16th of March @ 9:41pm


So I just apped with her, if I get in what can she get? ;)

She's been in Seattle for about 5 years. She's a Forensic Scientist who specializes in microbiology, genetics - aka all the techy labrat work so she barely sees sun. When she does see it she might hiss.
- loves to read
- gothic
- dramatic
- will argue with a stump and WIN if in that kind of mood
- sarcastic
- will use the phrase: 'I catch the smart ones, what makes you think I won't get away with killing you?' probably while brandishing a 9" bread knife or a book
- she can't cook AT. ALL. The toaster is lucky to survive, seriously.

All in all I promise she'll be fun, amusing, and might have your charries wanting to bite nails one minute and begging for mercy the next?

Lines I would be interested in filling:
Best Friend - has to be seriously patient or insane ;p
Regular stop-ins - bookstore, tea shop, gothic/Hot Topic/Torrid stores, etc.
Torturous - I'd really like a banter-buddy for her.
Stalker - can go with the torturous line. Either way works since she can be slightly obsessive over certain traits or actions.


posted on the 16th of March @ 2:24pm


Okay, I think she's headed this way. I've got a character survey here that gives a basic understanding of what she's all about but I'm going to be making a few changes. Her bio is here.

Here's brief rundown on her:

- 27
- Born and raised in Seattle.
- Went off to school in NYC and hasn't been back since.
- Spent some time backpacking through Europe in between getting her BA and her MA.
- Mother or some relative is sick hence her return.
- Struggling musician/songwriter, will be giving music lessons for money.

Lines I would love:
- People she grew up with.
- Clients/students.
- The guy who broke her heart while in Europe
- Her two brothers (one older and one younger).
- Anyone she could have known back in NYC.
- Other musicians. Anyone want to start a band? lol
- Her BFF from high school. Most likely male but I can go female.
- Etc.

Annnd that's it. I have cookies and juice for anyone willing to plot.

posted on the 16th of March @ 12:40am


Hey everyone! I'm thinking of bringing in this girl. Her name is Melody but she goes by Mel, or if you're an online gamer geek you might know her as Helix. She's a tooootal nerd. She's got a BS in Computer Science and works for the Zoo as their IT technician, troubleshooting any network, or hardware problems they might have, and occasionally setting up the necessary tech for presentations. In her free time she enjoys WoW, anything and all things sci-fi, and I haven't decided if she RPs via journals. That would be an awesomely meta twist. Anyway, I'm going to be writing her up in the next day or so, but I figured I'd reach out and see if anyone had any lines they wanted filled that she might be right for. She's a little awkward, and not great with people--though she does try, and she's got a good heart and means well even when she's striking out. I know I already spoke with a couple people here briefly, but I figured I'd make things official.

posted on the 15th of March @ 5:53pm


Hello.  I don't remember if I did this or not but I didn't see it in the comm so...  I'm a douchebag if this is a repeat.  But this is Tyler Greene.  He's the youngest of the Greene clan at 19 years old.  He is a sophomore at UW majoring in Psychology with an emphasis on criminal justice.  He has it in his head that he's going to be the next Fox Mulder.  If...Fox Mulder were actually real.  So, yeah.  I don't know if anyone in the game would fit a particular line that I'm looking for but I'm going to toss it out there.  I'd love to get his ex.  She's the girl he dated starting in his sophomore year and off and on again until his senior year when she dumped him for good after a car accident.  Said accident was basically her fault though he was driving.  The details are in his bio.  But the type of girl I'm looking for must be a good time party girl who is a bit on the manipulative side.  He's still in love with her and would still do pretty much anything for her.  And anyone who thinks he might work to fill any lines for them or if you get any inspiration here, just hit me up!

posted on the 14th of March @ 9:32am

This is Lydia Greene, younger sister of [info]jessup. I just applied. She was quiet growing up, but she started she started coming out of her shell in college, that's when she started to be more outgoing and vibrant. She had a best friend who brought that out in her. She'd be the opposite of Lyd but they'd mesh so well learning from each other. You can get a better vibe of her when you read her bio/personality in her journal. I'm up for filling lines as well.

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